Here you will find the most important information for photovoltaics & electricity storage at a glance:
Innovations in the EAG
I) New subsidy system: market premium OR investment subsidy
Market premium
For electricity fed into the grid. As compensation between production costs of PV electricity compared to the (fluctuating) market price. Ranking & award according to bid value (lowest bid first).
Investment promotion
One-time subsidy in the course of new construction & expansion of PV systems. Small systems up to 10 kWp: fixed amount according to kWp & ranking according to receipt (A – cf. chart below). Plants above 10 kWp: Indication of the required subsidy. Ranking (lowest funding requirement first) within 3 size classes (B, C, D).
II) Innovations in network access
Application for grid access must be granted within certain deadlines. Obligation to connect generation plants up to 20 kW, feed-in is guaranteed to the extent of the existing reference power. Feedback from the grid operator on grid access required within 4 weeks. Plants above 20 kW: Feedback required within 4 weeks, but deferral possible.
III) Renewables for everyone: energy communities
People from all over Austria can join together and form an energy community. In addition to financial benefits, participants can thus actively participate in the energy transition without having to operate a plant themselves. The decentralization of energy production and increase in value creation in the region are further advantages.

The law has been passed, when will the funding levels be clear and the first funding can start?
Marktprämie: The subsidy via market premium is still subject to notification by the European Commission, which is why it is unfortunately not possible to provide a precise timetable for this. Details such as the maximum premium, subsidy dates, etc. are also to be issued via a decree. The exact start of the subsidy, the subsidy rates and other details can only be announced after the approval.
Investment grant: The promotion via investment grant can start in the next few weeks (when the relevant ordinance and directive is announced and the funding processing agency is defined). The ordinance will regulate, among other things, the funding rate, funding timing and other details. The first funding round in 2022 could start in the spring.
Energy communities: The implementation of energy communities is possible with the entry into force of the law.
Network access: The innovations in network access are possible with the entry into force of the law.
Source: Bundesverband Photovoltaic Austria (2022): “Erneuerbaren-Ausbau-Gesetz (EAG) 2021 -.
The most important information for photovoltaics & electricity storage at a glance”, download under, from 08.03.2022